Saturday, July 24, 2010

When Selecting a Roommate

There are many questions you can ask potential roommates when you’re interviewing to find the best one to share a space with you. The local Jacksonville movers suggest you start by asking them for the reasons they’re moving. Find out why they’re leaving their current home. IS it because they are not getting along with their current roommate? Is it a financial issue, they can’t afford it anymore? The why of their move will help you find out if you feel comfortable with moving with that person. The local Jacksonville moving crew suggest you ask what a typical day is like for them. Do they get up early to go to work? Do they work from home? If both of your schedules clash, that person might not be right. You don’t want to be fighting over the bathroom every morning. Find out if the person you’re interviewing has a pet or if they smoke. This will have major impact on your living situation and possible on your health. You might be allergic to dogs or have asthma, and if you’re not a smoker, you might have a problem with the smell in the housing. You might want to also get financial background and review their credit to find out if they have the means to be your roommate.

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